Msichana Maven: Sophie

This month we're chatting with Msichana Maven Sophia, an audacious French Canadian Engineer from the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia. Her love for adventure has led her around the world, documenting her bar crawl exploits in 15 cities across 4 continents.
How do you enjoy spending your time?
On a regular week, I like playing soccer, beach summer days, and the occasional art projects (currently a crested crane collage!). When we can get the time off, I love planning out and then traveling to a new country.
A perfect Sunday morning: Lazy wake up with family, grab a coffee and bike over to church.
As someone who has been part of the Msichana Mavens tribe what does Into the Fold mean to you?
I like being able to follow the journey of Msichana, their changing offerings and expanding markets. I like seeing the worldwide community joined by more than just a clothing brand. The blog and tips are a fresh look at fashion and how to make it work for you.
What does self-expression mean to you? How do you like to express yourself?
I build or make things. I like going through the full design and creation process. Whether it’s a painting or a vertical garden, we go through the same planning and making an idea come to life.
What do you love about your Msichana piece?
It’s so unique and comes with a story! I love being able to explain what Msichana is about when people comment on the pieces.
What is the most rewarding part of the work you do?
I'm an engineer, so I like technical and efficient things: getting more out of less. I like helping grow and ramp up our team’s and client’s capacity by simplifying and consolidating systems.

What inspires you?
Growing and learning non-stop. If I’m not getting better at something, I feel lost. I always need a project or two on the go to keep motivated and interested.
What woman has impacted your life the most?
My older sister, as the first child has always had to break the way forward for us, siblings. As a result, she is the most daring and bold of us, traveling across the world, working as a geological engineer under the Thames river in London building a new Tube tunnel, studying dams in Austria, exploring new mine sites in Papua New Guinea and bearing the heat of the Northern Australian sun. Now she has taken a new path as a mother (of both a baby and a dog) in a new country, learning German along the way. She has always done exactly what was interesting to her, taken all the opportunities that came her way and made the most of it.
What’s one change you would like to see in the modern workplace?
More support for parents, especially of young kids. This can be reduced work hours, more accessible childcare.
The first random thing that pops into your mind just now:
A nice garden makes a great living space.
There! Now Sophie's one more person on the planet that's not a stranger anymore. Strike up a conversation with someone new today; who knows what interesting things you'll learn?!
Share with us your experiences and feel free to respond to some of the questions or Sophie's responses in the comments below.
- Tags: Live Out Loud Msichana Mavens
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